Events, 1982

Also in 1982: Events, Rosalind & Paul's Wedding,Ottawa, Australia, Hong Kong, Dartmouth, Goettingen, Skiing in Meribel

Stephen's 21st Birthday, 1982

Looking for Himalayan Tea on Kinder, with Pat Jones

The boys

Pat's parents visiting

Pat with her parents

With the boys

The family together for the last time

Stephen's Jaw Operation




Rather later

Interview at Trinty College

Tthe Ha'penny Bridge

Charge of Car, Autumn 1982

Out with the old

The Austin Princess

The yellow peril
temporary replacement

The proud owners

The Volvo 340
from the brochure

Kinder? with ?, Melanie,?, Pat Jones and Gurnos

Castle Rising, Norfolk

St Lawence, Castle Rising

Christmas 1982

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Images:Olympus 35RC camera, scanned negatives; reduction: Photothumb